Working group meeting 2-Grapevine QTL Browser


Tomás Matus, Marco Moretto, Laura Costantini, and Silvia Vezzulli
We kindly invite you to participate in the Grapevine QTL Browser Group Meeting to update
QTL-dedicated experts and the entire Grapevine community on ontologies and annotations.

When and where

Monday, July 08th, from 17:45 to 19:00 at Riojaforum Conference Centre, Room 1.


● Update on Sequence Read Archive (SRA) data classification pipeline and the
T2Tv5.1 gene annotation effort – 25 min
● Update of the Vitis Ontology renewal and QTL annotation – 20 min
● General discussion and development of future collaborative research projects – 30

Background and Rationale

The Grapevine Genomics Encyclopedia Portal gathers the latest community efforts and resources to analize genomic, transcriptomic and QTL data in grapevine. Several outcomes of the GRAPEDIA initiative include the latest structural/functional annotation of the grape reference genome (T2T) and the metadata annotation of all public transcriptomic data present to date.


Today, the grapevine community is also ready to take up the challenge of making the wealth of QTL information F.A.I.R. To this end, QTL-dedicated experts from around the world have gathered to compile the grapevine QTLome: the complete information describing all experimentally supported QTLs for a specific trait. A grapevine-QTL frontend application for uploading data has been developed to support QTL curators. The final goal is to develop a Grapevine-QTL Browser available for the entire community.

Possible Topics

● Grapevine Gene Catalogue curation plan: link to the QTL-browser
● Vitis Ontology innovation and curation plan. Adaptation with the SRA data
classification system
● Grapevine QTL Database curation plan
● Original genotypic and phenotypic dataset recovery: possible applications
● Grapevine QTL Browser implementation: navigability
● Overall publication & collaboration strategies

For more information, please contact Tomás Matus (, Marco Moretto (, (, and Laura Costantini Silvia Vezzulli

Also visit the GRAPEDIA-powered by Sequentia Sponsor Stand for additional info during the Conference.

